Netflix has shared the trailer for Kid Cudi’s animated project Entergalactic, which will be released along with his new album of the same name. The original animated special is due to debut on September 30th. Upon the release of the trailer, Cudi said on Twitter. “I am so excited for u all to experience it. You have NO idea what ur in for. GET F**KIN READY BABY.”
Entergalactic follows a young artist named Jabari (voiced by Cudi) as he’s forced to balance the success of his career with that of his romantic life. Others included in Entergalactic is the voice of Jessica Williams as Meadow, the main love interest in the special, and Timothée Chalamet voicing Jabari’s best friend and drug dealer. The cast also features Ty Dolla Sign, Laura Harrier, Vanessa Hudgens, Christopher Abbott, Jaden Smith, 070 Shake, Teyana Taylor, Arturo Castro, Keith David, and Macaulay Culkin.
Take a look at the trailer for Entergalactic - here.
Editorial credit: DFree /